Supported Accommodation

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Youth Counsellor Negotiation Skills

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Dvanguard is an OFSTED regulated provider for supported accommodation. We offer semi-independent living arrangements tailored for young individuals between the ages of 16 and 25. Our goal is to provide transitional assistance into adult independence, featuring customized services that emphasize education, training, employment advice, and opportunities to ensure a smooth and sustainable transition.

At Dvanguard, we believe that every young person is valuable, and investing in their future is essential. By leveraging each young person’s strengths, we help them gain independence through daily living skills and support their educational, training, and employment pursuits.

We also provide life skills workshops and mentoring, engaging young people in innovative and focused ways. We are dedicated to the success of every young person who accesses our services.

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Providing safe and happy environment for young people to prosper

We collaborate with placing authorities to design placements tailored to the unique needs of each young person. We develop a comprehensive care programme that includes education, activities, and incentives aimed at stabilising challenging behaviours and fostering emotional resilience, enabling children and young people to achieve their potential.

At the beginning of a new placement, we determine the appropriate staffing levels and engage specialist services as needed to ensure the best possible outcomes for the young person.

In situations where urgent emergency placements are required, Dvanguard offers an immediate response to accommodation requests. We are equipped to provide same-day placements for vulnerable young people. Our staff are prepared to welcome a young person at short notice and assist them in safely navigating the crisis they are facing.

A Dvanguard home is a sanctuary of safety. We support young people in crisis, regardless of the cause. Our commitment is to provide them with a stable base, safe and consistent care, and a true home, rather than just another placement.

A Group Of Millennial Friends Having A Home Party With String Light Decorations
young poeple should have a nurturing environment to propel them to a successful adulthood

A Personal Plan

At Dvanguard, we prioritise integrating our young people into the community around them. They are active participants in their lives, and their views, wishes, and feelings are essential components of the care they receive. Each young person has a personal plan, developed in collaboration with their local authority’s plan to ensure a cohesive approach.

The young person is at the heart of the planning process, maintaining control over their plan, their care, and their future.

Dvanguard is committed to reducing negative behaviour through the establishment of positive relationships and the provision of safe, consistent care. Our approach is deeply rooted in social pedagogy, reflecting our belief that children and young people flourish when they are enveloped in genuine care and support.

Educational Support

The Dvanguard team collaborates extensively with educational institutions to gain a thorough understanding of each young person’s academic requirements. We focus on how to best assist them at home to achieve their fullest potential.

Our educational support is diverse and tailored. We recognise that every young person is unique, with individual needs and distinct learning styles. Dvanguard works closely with educational professionals to devise strategies that address the specific educational needs of each individual.

Responsible Healthcare

As young people enhance their skills, they are encouraged to take greater responsibility for their healthcare. We ensure that every young person is registered with a local GP within 72 hours of admission.

Additionally, we arrange for their registration with a dentist and schedule an initial appointment with a local optician. Staff will support young people in making and attending their own appointments as per their understanding and capability. We also conduct link work sessions on various health aspects, including sexual health, healthy relationships, dental hygiene, and emotional well-being.

Positive Family Relationships

We understand the significance of family bonds and encourage each young person to maintain contact with their family, provided it is appropriate and approved by the placing authority.

Dvanguard staff facilitate and support these interactions with family members and friends. We welcome family and friends to visit the young people at home, fostering a welcoming atmosphere. Positive working relationships between the home manager, staff, and parents are cultivated to benefit the young person. ‘My Life’ sessions are conducted to reinforce positive family relationships.

Participation in Activities

We firmly believe in fostering positive relationships through shared experiences. We encourage our young people to engage in a wide array of activities, considering their personal interests and hobbies. The local area offers numerous clubs and groups, including connections with the rugby, martial arts, and boxing communities, among others.

We advocate for both enriching and physical activities while also recognising the importance of recreation and relaxation. Young people have the freedom to choose their weekly activities, with staff facilitating outings to places like the cinema, bowling, and trampolining.